Engineering Surveys
Our team of Engineers, can do everything from Topographic, Land & Boundary Surveys to Setting Out and Engineering Surveys.
What We Do
Land Surveying
Building Surveys
Accurately measured building surveys – delivered by our experienced team.
Setting Out Surveys
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Topographic, Land & Boundary Surveys
Topographic Surveys
Our experienced land surveyors can deliver an accurate and high quality Topographic survey.
Boundary Surveys
An accurate Topographical Survey / Land survey is critical to the success of any project. Our team can create highly accurate, high quality land surveys for your project.
Building, Planning & Structural Surveys
Building Surveys
Our team have strong experience in accurately measured building surveys.
We can quickly produce measured building surveys using the latest technology, our measured building software, coupled with hand held lazers and equipment. Using AutoCAD we can produce and distribute these surveys.
Planning Surveys
Underground features are an important part of any development. Particularly in urban developments with a multitude of underground services and drains.
Setting Out / Engineering Surveys
Setting Out Surveys
Our experienced team of surveyors can deliver an accurate and timely Setting Out survey of your development.
We are experienced in all areas of engineering survey and site Setting Out. Our engineering surveyors are able to provide survey solutions for all your civil engineering projects.
We can tailor a plan for every scenario, whether it’s an one-off house or large housing estate for roads or business projects, we can accurately define the plan. With the most advanced survey equipment and software, we can deliver a flexible approach to the site.
As Built / Utility Surveys
As Built Surveys
Our experienced land surveyors can deliver an accurate and timely As Built survey of your development.
Its important to note, that prior to a local authority taking charge of a development, they require a full detailed as-constructed survey of the development. Often this will differ from the original design drawing for a variety of reasons, including mistakes made on site during construction and unexpected construction difficulties.
The reason for this type of survey is to set out and accurately establish the position of all buildings, boundaries, services, taking into consideration water flows (foul and surface).
Our team keeps up-to-date with all existing survey data regulations. We are able to answer any questions you may have. Simply call us if you’d like to talk to us about your design.
Utility Surveys
For many of our customers, underground features are just as important as the above ground features.
There may be a multitude of underground utilities and drains crossing a development site, especially in urban areas, all of which may help or hinder the project’s realization.
We are able to determine the types and depths of most underground facilities using our underground tracing equipment and manhole lifting equipment.
We can provide storm and foul manholes invert rates to assist in the design process of your development’s new storm and foul network. We can also connect the existing on-site storm and foul manhole network if necessary.
We can also provide a CCTV survey to evaluate the condition of the existing storm and foul lines.
This information is digitally reproduced and can be used either as stand-alone data or as part of the overall project spatial data.